Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Global Warming

If recent flooding, last year's record setting hurricane
season,the melting of permafrost and the ice shelves at
both Antarctica and the North Pole convince you that
global warming is a problem, what can you do about it?

Here are some suggestions:
Figure out how much carbon you produce per year at the
carbon calculator.You'll be told how many trees will need
to be planted in order to compensate for your carbon use.
Make a donation toward planting those trees right on the
website (part of the Conservation Fund Organization) or
look for other tree planting opportunities at the Arbor Day

Replace standard bulbs in your home with energy efficient
compact fluorescent bulbs. You'll save on electric bills
and as a result reduce the amount of fossil fuels used to
create electricity. Note: even replacing one bulb will

Recycle, Recycle, Recycle! See ideas for recycling and/or
pick up Middlesex County's guide to recycling in the Library.

Support manufacturers who use recycled materials by
purchasing their products.Here's a website to help you
identify some of those products.

Save money on gas and save the environment! Share rides, walk
or take public transportation where possible. The Frugal Life
website offers more tips.

Can't reduce the amount you drive? Check out TerraPass.
(Please note that it is a for-profit company).

Required to do research on global warming? Go to the
Library's website. Search for books or DVD's in MIDAS;
CQ Researcher has an excellent overview of Climate Change;
additional articles can be found in Academic Search Premier
and Science Direct.

Remember if you are off campus, login here. If you need
additional help,the Reference Librarians are available in
person (hours),by telephone(732 906-2561),by email or by
chat. You can also post your question on this blog.